Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Short Little Blurb

Hello :) This will just be a quick little post...
Today was spent Sabbat-ing, as my family calls it. It involved thrift shopping with my darling dear friend Becca, church, and youth group :) Now I am in a very intense poke war on facebook. These things are crazy, let me tell you!
My weekend has been spent attending functions for three different youth groups, shopping at two different thrift stores, having my pillow returned to me, jumping for joy over grades, poking, texting, and helping people name their trucks :D Oh, and I also discovered a brand of coconut ice cream that is uh-mazing! But expensive.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Awkwardly Awesome

It's awkward and awesome Thursday!! W00t :)

-Due to HSPE testing, this week I went from the oldest person in my French class to VERY MUCH the oldest person in French class. All the remotely-my-age students were off testing.
-Coughing constantly in a silent room during a math test...
-Getting bossed around by a freshman boy. Seriously...?
-When a creeper nearly 10 years older than me messages me on facebook, saying I showed up on his sidebar under "suggested people" and he thought I was hot...
-The kid who has been "stalking" (read: creeping on) me for almost a year has a girlfriend...which makes it even more awkward!
-Having to wear pants. If there were an "awful" section, this would go there. My mother has looked at my skirts, and we have decided it would simply be too cumbersome to make all my size 12 skirts fit my size 4 frame. Unfortunately, thrift stores have been no help whatsoever...perhaps I shall have to buy some new *shudder*
-Sending texts to the wrong person. Just kill me now.
-This strange story I have to interpret for English class...most peculiar! (Never mind, I'm not interpreting that one...but it's still weird!)

-Choir day tomorrow! If only my voice was back...
-Three full days until I can drive my friends places!!!
-When the math test is worlds easier than the chapter
-Oranges :) And apples. And coconut ice cream :) YES, I do eat, for those of you crazies who think I don't. I even eat unhealthy food sometimes o.O
-Writing an interpretive story for English. NOT. AWESOME.
-I've already learned my piano piece for choir accompaniment! woohoo! :) Now to make it actually sound good.... :P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Intentional Frump

This morning I awoke to a great conundrum. It was my first day back at school after over a week of being sick. Was it a day to look polished and lovely? Certainly not! (I have a secret ability to look positively fabulous even when faced with the worst sorts of illnesses.) What was to be done? I simply had to dress it down a little today. Running around frantically, I finally stumbled upon something I deemed casual enough for such an occasion: jeans (bleck!), a tan (my worst color!) t-shirt covered in cartoony mushrooms, and a too-big hoodie. Perfection. 

Read the above paragraph this way: Today was my first day back at school after over a week of being sick. Bother with my personal appearance? I think not. I'm coughing my brains out and sniffling up a storm as it honestly think people will care what colors I wear?

My teacher is clearly determined to NEVER grade my essay :(

No school tomorrow for me :) That means sleep.

Monday, March 14, 2011

PI? Where?

It's been positively forever, so here is my long long list of random snippets:
1.That's right, y'all, it's annual pi day :) 3-14.
2. Today I am submitting my course/instructor evaluation for my college class...thank goodness it's anonymous! 
3. One more week until I can drive other people!
4. This ridiculous cold/flu thing has been hanging on as long as possible, sucking the life out of me! Finally it's starting to go away :)
5. Coconut milk ice cream = love.
6. I officially canNOT wait to have my singing voice back!
7. Two and a half weeks until choir tryouts. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
8. Men...urgh.
9. Goodwill is the BEST place ever!!!
Allison :)

Moriah :)

Me :)

Fishies :P

This is hot. Don't deny it.

The Cool Kids

10. Old books that nobody's ever heard of are amazing. 

11. I am in about 30 poke wars on facebook.
12. Blogging is much more interesting than PreCalculus. Isn't it horrible how that works out???
13. Olympia is in less than two months!! AH! I have so much stuff to do! Speech writing and opening remarks and closing remarks and research and clothes shopping and figuring out how on earth I'm going to eat! And I also need to work on my campaign...
14. I forget to eat...especially this week while I've been sick. 

Have a lovely Monday!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Hello lovely loves! It's been a whole. week. and I have missed blogging! Life has just been so busy busy, I can hardly stand it. And now I am sitting on the couch, waiting for my tea to cool off while I drown in a puddle of misery. That's right, I'm sick. And it's AWFUL. Okay, I'm done complaining now. But I also have nothing left to say. So have a fabulous evening and perhaps I will post tomorrow! :)