I don't know how this always happens, but it seems that the mood to post awkward and awesome strikes both Olivia and me (it's grammatically correct, people!) at the same time. But alas, it has happened again, and there is nothing we can do about it. So here we go!
-In Chemistry class on Wednesday we were doing a project thing and weren't allowed to sit with our previous lab partners...turns out the only people who can tolerate me fall into that category...except one girl who came and sat next to me...then went back to her original spot a few minutes later...? My teacher had to pause class to ask for a volunteer to sit next to me. Wooooooow, guys. I love you too.(more on this later)
-Bringing your best guy friend to youth group, and your small group leader coming and whispering in your ear, "your boy is cute!" Jo, we've already been over this...Thankfully, it's all sorted out now :P
-Being in Nutrition and Cooking class...while being allergic to 54 things.
-Hug a Tall Person Day. It's such a fun concept...but it ends up involving hugging tall people...I ended up only hugging about 3, and I knew them all
-The fact that NONE of my clothes fit me. Okay, that's not entirely true. I have three pairs of jeans and a few shirts that fit. But everything else is absolutely falling off of me, and it drives me insane!
-Pulling up to a red light in the middle lane (turn lane to my left, other lane to my right) in between two big trucks driven by older men with beards. Little 17-year-old me is in her dinky little red truck, singing and having a great time.
-A very nice boy volunteered to come sit with me in class (see above.) It kinda made my day. Maybe not everyone hated me! hehe
-My darling friend Moriah! I was feeling very depressed and unloved yesterday (as evidenced by my blogpost), and she noticed this, so she pulled me out of show choir and found out what was wrong. Then, she rushed over and grabbed her ipod. We listened to "Good Day, Sunshine" by the Beatles, and she belted it in the middle of the lunchroom just to make me feel better :)
-Campaign songs that get stuck in my head. Because soon they will be stuck in other people's heads.
-The fact that NONE of my clothes fit me. waaaaaait a second...didn't you say that was awkward? Yes, thank you for noticing. I would take being smaller and not having hardly any fitting clothes any day. So, rather, the cause of none of my clothes fitting is rather awesome.
-Apples, almond butter, and raisins for breakfast.
-I have randomly been in a cleaning mood...today I'm going through all my clothes and getting rid of most of them...because they don't fit.
-Going to Mock Leg considering running for Committee Vice Chair and leaving it as a candidate for Governor.
Well, that's all I've got for now.