Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow on My Parade: February Edition

Not a moment has passed all day during which snow was not falling. All day, flakes have been falling, falling, falling to the ground. Consequently, the ground is even more covered in snow than before. My plans for the day, too, fell to the ground in a heap of white fluff. The roads were covered, so no fun outings for me.

I made dinner though :)
This is my apron. Be. Jealous.
(I know it's sideways, but I simply have no motivation to spend the next ten minutes trying to fix all of blogger's glitches just so a few people don't have to tilt their head for a second.)
I tried to be creative with my food today. :)
Nothing much has been accomplished today, unfortunately. My piano music sat untouched:
(I found the sheet music. Yeah, I'm pretty excited too)
I want to hear about your guys' weeks!! Tell me, tell me!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had far more weekend motivation than I actually do!
