Friday, February 11, 2011

Yoohooo! It's me.

Hi. Remember me? Yeah, I'm still here. I still exist. Life has just gotten...well, life-y. And Life doesn't like it when I blog, apparently, so it's been an entire week since I've been able to click on the glorious "new post" button. Unfortunately, right now I am sitting around at school, waiting for my class that doesn't start for another hour and sixteen minutes. This pictures.
Due to the life-y-ness of life, I also have been forced to prematurely abandon 30 for 30. Perhaps next year...
I have also recently become convinced that I am the most forgettable person in the entire world...perhaps more on this later.
This is becoming a very depressing-sounding post, so I shall talk about more exciting things...
Like me running for youth governor! There's this utterly fabulous program called Youth and Government (YAG) that is through the YMCA. Basically, we spend most of the school year learning about the legislative branch of government, how to write bills, parlimentary procedure, etc. Then, in May, students in this program from across the state all head on over to Olympia. The important government people have been kind enough to empty the capitol building for us, so we get to use the actual House and Senate chambers. We have a youth governor, secretary of state, etc. as well.  The next four days are spent debating and passing/failing new laws. We also hold elections for the next year's major offices.
This year, I decided to run for youth governor. That means if I win in Olympia this year, next year I will get to walk around on a cloud of prestige, give awesome speeches, and sign or veto laws. So, yeah, I'm pretty excited. My dear friend Jonathan and I wrote my campaign song on Wednesday. Look for my campaign page on facebook within the next week or so and you can watch it :P It's been stuck stuck stuck in my little head for the longest time.
I have a chemistry test today...possibly. Every class since the beginning of December, my teacher has said "next Friday is the test!" "There's a test next Friday!" But have you noticed the same thing I did? The calendar never says, "Well, good morning there. Today is next Friday." No! It says, "Hey there. It's Friday. THIS Friday." However, this test seems to be pretty much a certainty.
Today is also the day we get second semester's choir music! Hoorah! We're singing some really great songs this time; I'm pretty excited. :)
Now, I shall steal the idea of a dear friend of mine, and do a "How I Feel in 5 Pictures."

Okay, most of these probably make no sense to any of you. But oh, well. I'm going to head off now! Farewell.

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