Thursday, June 23, 2011

Here we go again...

Well, my brilliant plan for clothing myself for the summer didn't end up being so it's time for plan B.
30 for 30.
It wasn't hard to pick my was actually hard to find 30 summery things in my possession. But after a long time, I have found them.
Here we go again.
I will try to post pictures every day but I doubt if that is actually going to end up happening! 
Here we go!
-3 pants-type things-

-11 short sleeve (one missing from pic)-
-2 skirts-
-5 dresses-
-2 cardis, 1 bolero-
-5 pairs of shoes (2 not pictured)-

These are all the happy summery things I own...I am determined to somehow pull cute, summery outfits together out of these! Wish me luck! :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Remember Me?

Hello lovelies :) Right now, I am sitting at my computer, munching on kettle chips (the only thing that sounds remotely comestible right now) and trying to ignore the gross feeling in my stomach...what better way to spend this time than blogging? 
One more week, then school is over for the year! Can I get a HALLELUJAH?
Thank you.
Once the school year is all wrapped up, I will try and blog more. Promise.
Not that anyone reads this thing anyways. 
Would you like to see some grainy pictures? I bet you would!
My delightful cousin was just here a couple weeks ago. We had a lovely time going on walks, playing Tetris, and touring Seattle. 

I may have solved my what-on-earth-do-I-wear-now-that-I'm-tiny issues for the summer! Skirts as dresses, baby. 
Okay, I was going to upload some pictures of them...but blogger is moody today, apparently :\ Just imagine a long skirt worn as a dress, made fitted and appropriate by a short-sleeve bolero and a nice belt :D

In other news, I have always wished there was a database of allergy-friendly information and recipes. Not just for gluten and dairy, folks, but corn and asparagus and eggs and blueberries and other sheerly random things. Unfortunately, there isn't much out there. So I thought, why not make it myself? It's about time I got my culminating challenge thing underway. So, this summer, keep your eye out for a new food blog that is friendly to the most random of allergies! Any name suggestions are also highly appreciated.

Friday, April 1, 2011

YIKES! It's been a while...

Hello blogger-buddies :) I haven't posted in a ridiculously long time! You'd think that since I've been on spring break from college for over a week now, I'd have found some time to blog. But nooooo! It has quite escaped me for a number of reasons. Well, here I am again, and can't think of much to say that would be of interest to anyone!
This week and the beginning of next we have painters painting all the trim in our house. It's been quite an adventure of moving all our important stuff around each day to a non-plasticed-off part of the house, tripping around in a maze of paper, plastic, and tape, having the entire house covered in white dust and swarming with random worker men. They are gone for the weekend right now, though, and it's looking mighty fine so far :)
Choir tryouts were today :) For the first time in my history of trying out in choir, I went up to the front of the class and belted that solo with all my heart. It was the most fun thing ever!
Now it is time for me to be vague...
It's funny how I really think I want something, then it finally comes...and it's positively horrid and I don't know what to do with the situation! Perhaps it's a contentment issue...I don't know. All I know, is what I thought I wanted wasn't what I really wanted after all!
Picture time! I decided to play around with some different effects:
In other words, the lighting was about as horrid as it gets, and no other effect but pencil sketch would remotely save day I will have outfit pictures for y'all, but it simply is impossible at this moment, as I have taken down my hair for the evening and it is all a-drizzle outside...and nobody can take my pictures. 
I'm afraid if I don't post this now, it will sit in my drafts folder forever just like the last post I tried to write last Thursday. Have a great weekend everybody!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Short Little Blurb

Hello :) This will just be a quick little post...
Today was spent Sabbat-ing, as my family calls it. It involved thrift shopping with my darling dear friend Becca, church, and youth group :) Now I am in a very intense poke war on facebook. These things are crazy, let me tell you!
My weekend has been spent attending functions for three different youth groups, shopping at two different thrift stores, having my pillow returned to me, jumping for joy over grades, poking, texting, and helping people name their trucks :D Oh, and I also discovered a brand of coconut ice cream that is uh-mazing! But expensive.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Awkwardly Awesome

It's awkward and awesome Thursday!! W00t :)

-Due to HSPE testing, this week I went from the oldest person in my French class to VERY MUCH the oldest person in French class. All the remotely-my-age students were off testing.
-Coughing constantly in a silent room during a math test...
-Getting bossed around by a freshman boy. Seriously...?
-When a creeper nearly 10 years older than me messages me on facebook, saying I showed up on his sidebar under "suggested people" and he thought I was hot...
-The kid who has been "stalking" (read: creeping on) me for almost a year has a girlfriend...which makes it even more awkward!
-Having to wear pants. If there were an "awful" section, this would go there. My mother has looked at my skirts, and we have decided it would simply be too cumbersome to make all my size 12 skirts fit my size 4 frame. Unfortunately, thrift stores have been no help whatsoever...perhaps I shall have to buy some new *shudder*
-Sending texts to the wrong person. Just kill me now.
-This strange story I have to interpret for English class...most peculiar! (Never mind, I'm not interpreting that one...but it's still weird!)

-Choir day tomorrow! If only my voice was back...
-Three full days until I can drive my friends places!!!
-When the math test is worlds easier than the chapter
-Oranges :) And apples. And coconut ice cream :) YES, I do eat, for those of you crazies who think I don't. I even eat unhealthy food sometimes o.O
-Writing an interpretive story for English. NOT. AWESOME.
-I've already learned my piano piece for choir accompaniment! woohoo! :) Now to make it actually sound good.... :P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Intentional Frump

This morning I awoke to a great conundrum. It was my first day back at school after over a week of being sick. Was it a day to look polished and lovely? Certainly not! (I have a secret ability to look positively fabulous even when faced with the worst sorts of illnesses.) What was to be done? I simply had to dress it down a little today. Running around frantically, I finally stumbled upon something I deemed casual enough for such an occasion: jeans (bleck!), a tan (my worst color!) t-shirt covered in cartoony mushrooms, and a too-big hoodie. Perfection. 

Read the above paragraph this way: Today was my first day back at school after over a week of being sick. Bother with my personal appearance? I think not. I'm coughing my brains out and sniffling up a storm as it honestly think people will care what colors I wear?

My teacher is clearly determined to NEVER grade my essay :(

No school tomorrow for me :) That means sleep.

Monday, March 14, 2011

PI? Where?

It's been positively forever, so here is my long long list of random snippets:
1.That's right, y'all, it's annual pi day :) 3-14.
2. Today I am submitting my course/instructor evaluation for my college class...thank goodness it's anonymous! 
3. One more week until I can drive other people!
4. This ridiculous cold/flu thing has been hanging on as long as possible, sucking the life out of me! Finally it's starting to go away :)
5. Coconut milk ice cream = love.
6. I officially canNOT wait to have my singing voice back!
7. Two and a half weeks until choir tryouts. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
8. Men...urgh.
9. Goodwill is the BEST place ever!!!
Allison :)

Moriah :)

Me :)

Fishies :P

This is hot. Don't deny it.

The Cool Kids

10. Old books that nobody's ever heard of are amazing. 

11. I am in about 30 poke wars on facebook.
12. Blogging is much more interesting than PreCalculus. Isn't it horrible how that works out???
13. Olympia is in less than two months!! AH! I have so much stuff to do! Speech writing and opening remarks and closing remarks and research and clothes shopping and figuring out how on earth I'm going to eat! And I also need to work on my campaign...
14. I forget to eat...especially this week while I've been sick. 

Have a lovely Monday!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Hello lovely loves! It's been a whole. week. and I have missed blogging! Life has just been so busy busy, I can hardly stand it. And now I am sitting on the couch, waiting for my tea to cool off while I drown in a puddle of misery. That's right, I'm sick. And it's AWFUL. Okay, I'm done complaining now. But I also have nothing left to say. So have a fabulous evening and perhaps I will post tomorrow! :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Here's a shoutout to my lovely brother! For the last two hours I have been belting a particular broadway song (I'm sure you can guess what it is), sometimes doing this crazy awesome (NOT!) thing on the highest note where I hit the note for a split second, then slip and hit about eighteen even higher notes all at the same time. From more than 100 feet away, through several walls, my darling brother shouted, every time, "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice!" as I crumpled to the floor in laughter at my delightfully ear-splitting feat. Back to the point. I've been singing the same song for two hours. LOUDLY. So loudly that my brother had to close his door on the other side of the house to hear through his headphones properly. And he didn't complain :) So I'm pretty happy. I can hit the highest note about half the time without performing my magical feat, so that's just fine by me. Now to figure out where on earth I can use my ability to sing this song...perhaps I shall run away and join the theatre ;)

That's all for now. I hope your weekend has been lovely lovely :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow on My Parade: February Edition

Not a moment has passed all day during which snow was not falling. All day, flakes have been falling, falling, falling to the ground. Consequently, the ground is even more covered in snow than before. My plans for the day, too, fell to the ground in a heap of white fluff. The roads were covered, so no fun outings for me.

I made dinner though :)
This is my apron. Be. Jealous.
(I know it's sideways, but I simply have no motivation to spend the next ten minutes trying to fix all of blogger's glitches just so a few people don't have to tilt their head for a second.)
I tried to be creative with my food today. :)
Nothing much has been accomplished today, unfortunately. My piano music sat untouched:
(I found the sheet music. Yeah, I'm pretty excited too)
I want to hear about your guys' weeks!! Tell me, tell me!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mr. Bennet, you've said it perfectly again.

Happy Friday everyone! Today, after I finished my college homework (boo), I hopped in my favorite little red truck named Lloyd and drove to a lovely little coffee shop to meet my darling friend, Lizzy. We are SO different, it's hardly funny. But we have fun :)

After that, I went shopping with my friend Keola and her kids :) My duty on such outings is to take care of the baby. At some times, I was not with the rest of the family. See, exactly half the world thinks I'm 14...and the other half thinks I'm 20. So half the people I saw smiled the oh-what-a-cute-baby smile :) the other half gave me the oh-my-gosh-what-kind-of-child-are-you gape. SO FUN! And no, I'm not being sarcastic. "After all, what do we live for, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?" At one point I was with all four of the kids (aged 10 months through 11 years) and Keola was off somewhere. This amazing old man asked me, wide-eyed: "Are they all yours?" haha :)
Speaking of wide-eyed...

Oh, it's time for Fun Fact Friday :) I'm allergic to lettuce! Go figure that one out :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow. Awkwardness. Awesomeness. Les Miserables.

There is snow! Much snow. On the ground. FYI. It's all over the place in funny little drifts...we got a good five or six inches last night :O
Awkward and Awesome Thursday has showed its little face once more. However, I haven't even left the house since Sunday, so very little has happened. With that in mind...

-An inside joke with one of my buddies at school. Every time I wear pants to school (as opposed to my usual skirt), he SHOUTS in the school hallway, "Hannah! You're wearing pants!"
-Discovering that not only ladies read this blog after posting a little TMI about working out. oooops.
-When guys ask me why I've been wearing pants so much lately. I was NOT expecting it at all.
-Saying something impulsively and then realizing five seconds later it was completely untrue. (Example...Friend: "I HATE driving at night!" Me: "Ugh! Me too!" and then I remember I actually really love driving at night)

-Sugar. I can have it! It makes me happy happy :)
-My newfound love of soup :) 
-This song from Les Miserables: 
It is fabulousness itself! And just what I have been wanting to work on with my voice. The sheet music sits at my piano right now, just waiting for me. It is the most depressing song ever, but I am absolutely obsessed with it.
-The fact that I'm writing a persuasive essay for college on why everyone should wear purple. pictures or anything today. I'm enjoying my last moments of laze before I have to tackle my homework. Shhhhhhhh...don't remind me!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You asked. I'm answering...

Hello again :) I forgot to mention an important thing! For all you people who have been wondering and asking why I have been wearing pants so often lately...
Due to health issues, my body has decided that it wants to weigh absolutely nothing, and is doing everything it can to get there. Because of this, my skirts are too big. I recently went thrift shopping and found jeans and slacks that fit me for the time being, skirts. I've gotten tired of safety pinning my clothes so they stay on, so for the next little while, pants it is.

Oh, you trend-setter, you.

Hi there readers :) It's Wednesday, and snowing yet again! I just thought I'd pop in for a quick post while dinner is heating. I made soup with tomatoes, sausage, (brown rice) pasta, and some extremely yummy seasonings :) Almond flour shortbread is sitting on the makeshift cooling rack, and I'm feeling pret-ty accomplished.
Today was a very pleasant day full of cleaning, cooking, and "working out"-HannahStyle. If there was a contest for weakest person, I would come close to winning it. However, my legs are made of fat, not muscle, as are my arms...this makes me unhappy.

Here is what I wore today (and yesterday, hehehe):
Sweatshirt: Aeropostale (durrrr...)
Slacks: Thrifted
Socks: "Chinese Laundry"
Haha. Ignore my awkward face. It's hard to smile at just the right second when using self-timer. All I know is that at some point after the little orange light starts blinking really fast, whatever I am doing at that random particular instant will be forever recorded on the little blue memory card. 
Oh! Oh! It's Quote of the Week time :) I have decided to start a fabulous tradition here. I even created a fun little sidebar for it! All this planning, and I plumb forgot to pick a quote! 
Let's see...the only thing that comes to mind is the other day when I was facebook-chatting with a kid from my school. We were talking about summer jobs, and he said "you should get a really high-paying job, like with a really nice boss, who is also pretty much a dream job :D" it made me laugh. so. hard. 
Want to join the "quote of the week" fun? Add my sidebar!

ACK! I just remembered some English homework I have due tonight...have a fabulous evening!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two Truths. One Lie.

Yup. It's snowing. It's also a very lazy day, full of sipping coffee, wearing sweats (AKA my oh-so-comfy black slacks and cozy bright pink Aeropostale sweatshirt), and cleaning my room. Okay, maybe that last one doesn't exactly qualify as lazy. I suppose I have some college and PreCalc homework too...why must such evil memories stay with me? :(

And now it's time for...Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn....
Two Truths and a Lie Tuesday! 
(Some of you perhaps already know the answer to these...but we will see...)
-I have gone out to dinner with three young men (non-relatives) at a time.
-I  do not own a bikini
-I have a 23-inch waist
Can you guess which one is a lie? Hmmmmmm?

Monday, February 21, 2011

♫Monday, Monday♫

It's Monday. Time for "How I feel in 5 pictures." No, these aren't really intended to make sense to anyone but if you're confused, don't stress too much.

This was kind of boring! Sorry. Tomorrow is "Two Truths and a Lie"; that should turn out to be a lot more interesting. I'm going to GoodWill tonight with my daddy :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My mom spent the first 17 years of my life trying to keep me from loving heels. Unfortunately, it didn't work out.

Hello, loyal fans. I am convinced that life is doing everything in its power to keep me from having any time to myself! As I am typing, I am doing about six other things: revising my candidate statement for the voters' pamphlet, picking a good picture for said pamphlet, fixing up my bill, writing another bill, contacting my co-sponsor, talking on facebook, and texting. The last two are especially important ;) What would life be without facebook chat and texting? Although my text buddy has disappeared on me.

On Thursday, I got up and donned a pencil skirt, suit jacket (that made my eye color go POP!), nylons, and a wonderful pair of high heels. My darling friend Olivia took some very official-looking pictures for my candidacy facebook page! Wooohooo! :) Would you like to see some of them? Awwwwww, you would? You're too kind :) Most of these are unedited...oh, well!

Blouse: Fred Meyer 
 Jacket: Thrifted
 Skirt: Borrowed 
 Shoes: JCP 
Earrings: Brighton

Hah! I'm odd. Most of these were too silly to put on my facebook page, but I love them anyway! Hopefully nobody in YAG finds my blog...they might not vote for me! xD
So, if my life ever gets not-crazy, here is the schedule!
Monday-How I Feel in Five Pictures
Tuesday-Two Truths and One Lie
Wednesday-Quote of the Week!
Thursday-Awkward and Awesome
Friday-Facebook Happenings
Saturday and Sunday will be catching up on all the things I missed during the week!
Okay, realistically, this won't happen until at least summer.
Have a fabulous evening!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A&A, not AA

I don't know how this always happens, but it seems that the mood to post awkward and awesome strikes both Olivia and me (it's grammatically correct, people!) at the same time. But alas, it has happened again, and there is nothing we can do about it. So here we go!

-In Chemistry class on Wednesday we were doing a project thing and weren't allowed to sit with our previous lab partners...turns out the only people who can tolerate me fall into that category...except one girl who came and sat next to me...then went back to her original spot a few minutes later...? My teacher had to pause class to ask for a volunteer to sit next to me. Wooooooow, guys. I love you too.(more on this later)

-Bringing your best guy friend to youth group, and your small group leader coming and whispering in your ear, "your boy is cute!" Jo, we've already been over this...Thankfully, it's all sorted out now :P

-Being in Nutrition and Cooking class...while being allergic to 54 things.

-Hug a Tall Person Day. It's such a fun concept...but it ends up involving hugging tall people...I ended up only hugging about 3, and I knew them all

-The fact that NONE of my clothes fit me. Okay, that's not entirely true. I have three pairs of jeans and a few shirts that fit. But everything else is absolutely falling off of me, and it drives me insane! 

-Pulling up to a red light in the middle lane (turn lane to my left, other lane to my right) in between two big trucks driven by older men with beards. Little 17-year-old me is in her dinky little red truck, singing and having a great time. 

-A very nice boy volunteered to come sit with me in class (see above.) It kinda made my day. Maybe not everyone hated me! hehe 

-My darling friend Moriah! I was feeling very depressed and unloved yesterday (as evidenced by my blogpost), and she noticed this, so she pulled me out of show choir and found out what was wrong. Then, she rushed over and grabbed her ipod. We listened to "Good Day, Sunshine" by the Beatles, and she belted it in the middle of the lunchroom just to make me feel better :) 

-Campaign songs that get stuck in my head. Because soon they will be stuck in other people's heads. 

-The fact that NONE of my clothes fit me. waaaaaait a second...didn't you say that was awkward? Yes, thank you for noticing. I would take being smaller and not having hardly any fitting clothes any day. So, rather, the cause of none of my clothes fitting is rather awesome.

-Apples, almond butter, and raisins for breakfast. 

-I have randomly been in a cleaning I'm going through all my clothes and getting rid of most of them...because they don't fit.

-Going to Mock Leg considering running for Committee Vice Chair and leaving it as a candidate for Governor.

Well, that's all I've got for now. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Yoohooo! It's me.

Hi. Remember me? Yeah, I'm still here. I still exist. Life has just gotten...well, life-y. And Life doesn't like it when I blog, apparently, so it's been an entire week since I've been able to click on the glorious "new post" button. Unfortunately, right now I am sitting around at school, waiting for my class that doesn't start for another hour and sixteen minutes. This pictures.
Due to the life-y-ness of life, I also have been forced to prematurely abandon 30 for 30. Perhaps next year...
I have also recently become convinced that I am the most forgettable person in the entire world...perhaps more on this later.
This is becoming a very depressing-sounding post, so I shall talk about more exciting things...
Like me running for youth governor! There's this utterly fabulous program called Youth and Government (YAG) that is through the YMCA. Basically, we spend most of the school year learning about the legislative branch of government, how to write bills, parlimentary procedure, etc. Then, in May, students in this program from across the state all head on over to Olympia. The important government people have been kind enough to empty the capitol building for us, so we get to use the actual House and Senate chambers. We have a youth governor, secretary of state, etc. as well.  The next four days are spent debating and passing/failing new laws. We also hold elections for the next year's major offices.
This year, I decided to run for youth governor. That means if I win in Olympia this year, next year I will get to walk around on a cloud of prestige, give awesome speeches, and sign or veto laws. So, yeah, I'm pretty excited. My dear friend Jonathan and I wrote my campaign song on Wednesday. Look for my campaign page on facebook within the next week or so and you can watch it :P It's been stuck stuck stuck in my little head for the longest time.
I have a chemistry test today...possibly. Every class since the beginning of December, my teacher has said "next Friday is the test!" "There's a test next Friday!" But have you noticed the same thing I did? The calendar never says, "Well, good morning there. Today is next Friday." No! It says, "Hey there. It's Friday. THIS Friday." However, this test seems to be pretty much a certainty.
Today is also the day we get second semester's choir music! Hoorah! We're singing some really great songs this time; I'm pretty excited. :)
Now, I shall steal the idea of a dear friend of mine, and do a "How I Feel in 5 Pictures."

Okay, most of these probably make no sense to any of you. But oh, well. I'm going to head off now! Farewell.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Isn't "Frolic" the Most Fabulous Word?

Cardigan: The Limited 
Dress: Thrifted 
Tights: FredMeyer

Yeah, I'm basically in love with this dress. When I realized that my little undershirt/tanktop things didn't really count as items, I was able to add two more things to my 30. It didn't take long for me to pick this :) Oh, by the way, these are yesterday's pictures. Days 20 and 22 will remain picture-less, unfortunately.
Tomorrow is Mock Leg, AKA cheater-day. I have to dress in office-y clothes, and it really is very necessary that I wear a little black cardigan that didn't make it into my 30. (I'm not entirely sure why it didn't make it into the 30, as said cardigan is at the tippity-top of my wardrobe staples list.) Potentially expect bus pictures at the end of tomorrow or Sunday, though :) 
I almost passed out in Chemistry class today! It was an interesting experience, and I must say my teacher over-reacted a bit. During lunch nobody really knew what to do with me, so I spent most of that time by my little self. Oh, well. C'est la vie.
Speaking of French, my only French homework from yesterday until next Thursday is making two fabulous little sock puppets for a presentation. Does it get any more wonderful or "me" than that? No, I don't believe it does.
Right now, my hair is in pigtails, I am wearing a striped beanie, and my nails are very. very. red. FYI. Oh, and did I mention that I have the best parents in the whole world? :)