Sunday, January 16, 2011

Uh...Feel Free to Skip this Unless You are Bored.

Hey. I know I just commented on the Daybook and said I was feeling like I had nothing to blog about today...but...

I feel very, very odd right now. Like, dizzy, but not. Tired-ish, but really awake at the same time. My mind is super awake, but my eyes are having troubles focusing on things...time to take my contacts out, probably.
Normally when I feel weird in any way, shape, or form, I drink more tea. But tea sounds gross right now. Actually...everything sounds gross. And I think the temperature is wrong. Maybe it's not too bad.
Isn't this just a lovely, intriguing post? (don't worry, I'm rolling my eyes too) I've run out of things to say again. This is too long to be a facebook status, and I'm sure nobody on facebook really wants to hear about me feeling weird yet again. So I will end this post, hit publish, and then draw something random in my sketchbook...even though I can't draw. I'm just in that kind of mood.

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